GD Goenka Health Care Academy, Port Blair Celebrates its First Annual Day with Captivating Cultural Show by its Students

Port Blair, May 29: The First annual day of GD Goenka Health Care Academy, Port Blair was an occasion of celebration, felicitation, feast and festivity where 180 students from various islands of Andaman & Nicobar Islands presented not only their wonderful performances but also received honours for their curricular and co-curricular achievements.

The Annual Day, 2024 was woven around the theme ‘AURORA’ meaning natural dynamic brilliant light display on the horizon of earth’s sky. The function was graced by Mr Mohit Mehra CEO, GD Goenka Health Care who came all the way from Delhi to bless this occasion of first Annual day and other dignitaries of the Islands.

Entailing the formal welcome, the progressive annual report was presented by the School moderators followed by a cultural programme which was an amalgamation of various hues benefiting the theme wondrously. The thematic show of talent, imagination and organization was the essence of the evening.

The students of GD Goenka Healthcare Academy danced to the tune of songs with colourful props. The audience was enthralled by a colourful and very well directed show. The theme-based folk dances representing various states of the country captivated the guests. The props and costumes added colour to the festive occasion with the synchronized dance movement to the foot-tapping music. The most riveting performance which drew unceasing applause by every spectator was the “PYRAMID FORMATION”, an astounding visual treat of multiple human pyramids made every 20 seconds dynamically performed by the boys of GD GOENKA HEALTH CARE ACADAMY.

This was followed by the Prize distribution ceremony to the students who excelled in Academics, extracurricular activities. Passing out completion certificates were also distributed on the spot by the chief guest. 

Addressing the gathering, the Chief Guest stated that the students have smartly carved a niche for themselves. He added that students should not only be imparted excellent education but also be given great scruple and values so they can effectively serve their nation.

He also praised the “Nukkad Natak” on breast cancer awareness and congratulated the school students for taking such an edifying topic which need to be spread very quickly in the society for early detection of breast cancer thereby acknowledging the role and action of every health care worker for quick dissipation in the society.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by the school trainers and faculty.

The exhilarating show was an unforgettable experience and left a lasting impression on the minds of everyone present. It was indeed a spectacular display of talent and fervor.