Port Blair, June 23: As part of the observance of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 22, 2024, the staff of the Anti-Narcotics Police Station organized awareness programs at Saraswati Shishu Mandir Sr. Sec. School. Approximately 200 students participated in the sessions, where they were educated about the harmful consequences of drug abuse. Additionally, the students actively took a pledge to stay away from drugs.

In another initiative, an awareness event was held at Marina Park by the Anti-Drugs Awareness Promotional Bus, aiming to promote a drug-free society. This campaign was launched from Police Headquarters on June 21, 2024.

Continuing these efforts, on June 23, 2024, at Bathu Basthi, the Anti-Drugs Awareness Promotional Bus displayed various anti-drug awareness posters. The Police Entertainment Team performed a spectacular Nukad Natak focusing on the ill effects of drugs, which attracted a significant number of general public participants.

These ongoing events focused on spreading crucial messages about the dangers associated with drug use and the importance of prevention. These efforts underscored the community's commitment to raising awareness and fostering a healthier, drug-free environment for everyone.