Car Nicobar, June 26: Continuing with the efforts to achieve the objective of Drugs Free Islands, the Nicobar District Police observed the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26, 2024, with a series of events conducted to raise awareness and inspire community action against drug-abuse and illicit trafficking.

All Police personnel under Nicobar District took an e-pledge, reaffirming their commitment to fighting drug abuse. PS Car Nicobar police staff performed Nukad Natak at Kuchat Park, Car Nicobar depicting the harmful effects of drug use on personal lives and society. At PS Campbell Bay, a drawing competition targeting children and youths was held with the theme of drug abuse. Enthusiastic participants were awarded prizes for their creative entries.  

Alongside the cycle rally, the district police arranged various activities to engage the community and promote awareness. These included volleyball friendly match at PS Katchal and specialized awareness programs for the general public were conducted at PS Nancowry and PS Teressa. A walkathon was conducted at PS Campbell Bay to further reinforce the message of harmful effects of drug abuse.

These initiatives by the Nicobar District Police reflect their unwavering dedication to creating a safer and healthier environment. By involving local youth and engaging the public through diverse events, Nicobar District police aims to foster a collective effort to eradicate drug abuse and illicit trafficking from the region.

The general public is urged to report any drug-related activities in their area to the local police. Their identity will remain confidential, and actionable information will be rewarded. Nicobar District police encourage the public to be vigilant and assist in eliminating this menace from society.