Port Blair, June 27: The Chairman, ANTCC Campaign Committee, Mr. TSG Bhasker has brought the attention of the Chief Secretary, A&N Administration towards the critical shortage of Doctors and Compounders in Veterinary Hospitals of Diglipur and Kalighat region.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary on Monday, Mr. Bhasker said that there is only one Doctor available in the Veterinary Hospital, Naveen Nagar which is insufficient to take care of the huge number of domestic animals being brought in the hospital.

He added that there is a shortage of compounders in the hospital which hampers the effective functioning of the hospital.

“With more people opting for Poultry, Dairying, Goatery and Piggery in the Islands, there is an increasing shortage in the number of Veterinary Doctors and Compounders. Lack of adequate availability of these Doctors and Compounders is affecting animal care in the Islands”, stated Mr. Bhasker.

Bhasker also suggested for starting an X-ray room facility in Veterinary Hospital, Naveen Nagar to ease the diagnosis of animals.

Further, he urged the Chief Secretary to introduce a one year crash course in the Islands instead of asking for a mandatory Diploma course for recruitment which is not available in any colleges of A&N Islands so that maximum Islander youths can get appointed.

Concluding the letter, he requested the Chief Secretary to appoint 2 more Doctors in Veterinary Hospital, Naveen Nagar and 16 more compounders for all Veterinary Hospitals of Diglipur & Kalighat region on priority basis.