Port Blair, June 27: The Andaman & Nicobar Territorial Congress Committee President, Shri. Rangalal Halder has addressed a letter to the Directorate of Shipping Services (DSS) highlighting an urgent issue concerning the ship sailing schedule between Port Blair and Diglipur via. Mayabunder.

In the letter, Shri. Halder emphasized the critical need for regular ship sailing on this route, especially in light of the recent transportation challenges faced by residents. The last ship sailed on this route on June 22, 2024. Since then, with the culmination of the summer vacation, there has been an unprecedented demand for transportation.

He added that the overbooking of bus tickets and the deteriorating condition of NH-4 road have compounded the problem, leaving many students and teachers stranded in Port Blair, Mayabunder and Diglipur.

He further requested the Administration to schedule regular ship sailings between Port Blair and Diglipur via Mayabunder to not only resolve the immediate issue but also provide a dependable transportation alternative for the islanders.