Port Blair, June 28: The STOP Diarrhoea Campaign 2024 will be observed by Directorate of Health Services from 01st July 2024 to 31st August, 2024 with the aim of reducing the child death due to diarrhoea, with a two-month drive and co-packaging of ORS and zinc for children under five years of age. The campaign also includes extensive IEC through different platforms and collaboration across multiple sectors. The campaign’s 2024 slogan ‘Diarrhoea Ki Roktham, Safai Aur ORS Se Rakhen Apna Dhyaan’ highlights the significance of prevention, cleanliness, and appropriate treatment.

These activities mainly include-intensification of advocacy & awareness generation activities for diarrhoea management, strengthening service provision for diarrhoea case management, establishment of ORS-Zinc corners, prepositioning of ORS and Zinc by ASHA in households with under-five children and awareness generation activities for hygiene and sanitation.

The focus areas of the campaign include strengthening health infrastructure, improving access to clean water and sanitation, enhancing nutritional programs, and promoting hygiene education. The campaign aims to create a holistic approach to managing and preventing diarrhoea, ultimately reducing child mortality and improving overall public health.