Port Blair, June 30: The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has announced the opening of the portal for the National Award for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 2024. This prestigious award aims to recognize and honor individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the empowerment of persons with disabilities.

The National Award for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities is an annual event that celebrates exemplary achievements in various fields, including education, employment, creative arts, and sports. The awards highlight the exceptional work done by individuals, institutions, and organizations that strive to create an inclusive society for persons with disabilities.

Applications/nominations have been invited for National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities for the year 2024, through online mode only on the password protected centralized portal designed by Ministry of Home Affairs (www.awards.gov.in).

General public have been informed that the applications/nominations for National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, for the year 2024 is open w.e.f. 15th June, 2024 to 31st July, 2024. The details are as under:

-Applications/ Nominations may be filed at www.awards.gov.in.

-All Applications/Nominations for the National Awards for the year 2024 received upto 31st July, 2024 will be considered.

-Application for the year 2024 is to be submitted in the on-line portal only on the password protected centralized portal designed by Ministry of Home Affairs. (www.awards.gov.in). The nomination should contain all relevant details specified in the format available on the above portal including in narrative form clearly bringing out the notable and inspiring achievements Application in physical form will not be accepted.

-For eligibility criteria and other details, Guidelines for   National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities available on website of the Department (www.depwd.gov.in) may be referred.