Port Blair, July 4: An awareness programme focusing on the theme, ‘Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques’ (PCPNDT) Act and the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act were organized by ICDS Urban Project, Attampahad today. Dr. Saurabh and Smti Sadhana, Public Health Nurse from District Hospital Garacharma, CDPO of ICDS Urban Project, ICDS functionaries, POSHAN Staff and HEW Staff attended the programme.

Dr. Saurabh briefed about the PCPNDT Act and the MTP Act, emphasizing their critical roles in safeguarding women's health and rights. The PCPNDT Act aims to prevent sex-selective abortions and ensure the lawful and ethical use of prenatal diagnostic techniques. The MTP Act provides a legal framework for the safe and regulated termination of pregnancies, ensuring women's access to essential reproductive health services also elaborated on the topic of Sickle cell anaemia.

Smti Sadhana also provided valuable insights on the theme, elaborating on the need for comprehensive public health education. She emphasized on the prevention of diarrhoea, importance of folic acids for pregnant women. She also stressed the importance of the girl child to society, advocating for equal opportunities and access to healthcare, education, and social support. The discussions underscored the necessity of nurturing and empowering girl children, recognizing their potential to contribute significantly to societal development.