Sir Ratan Tata Post-doctoral Fellowship 2019

Description: London School of Economics and Political Science is providing early career researchers with an opportunity to undertake 6 months research-based project at the LSE India Observatory. The fellowship program focuses on Economy and Society in India and South Asia.

Eligibility: Indian applicants with a Ph.D. Degree who are early career researchers and are employed at established institutions in India or other SAARC nations may apply for this fellowship.

Prizes & Rewards: The fellows of this program will be provided monthly subsistence fund of GBP1750 along with access to LSE lab facilities and travel (related) expenses for the research project.

Last Date to Apply: April 29, 2019

Application Mode: Apply online

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TIFR Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellowships 2019

Description: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is inviting doctoral candidates to become visiting postdoctoral fellow at the institute for studies in theoretical physics with scholarships and multiple benefits. The fellowship also offers a chance for experienced candidates to secure Jawaharlal Nehru Post-Doctoral Fellowship benefits.

Eligibility: Candidates who have a Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics or have submitted their thesis to an institution for award of such degree may apply for this fellowship.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected fellows will get a suitable fixed monthly stipend and on-campus accommodation support with access to medical facilities of the campus for the duration of their post-doctoral studies

Last Date to Apply: April 30, 2019

Application Mode: Online applications only

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IFMA Foundation Scholarship Program 2019

Description: International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Foundation is providing Facility Management (FM) professionals and managers an opportunity to avail this scholarship and pursue higher education to enhance their career options. The scholarship provides benefits of financial assistance and professional exposure for higher education in Facilities Management.

Eligibility: Students pursuing undergraduate or graduate courses in Facilities Management or related fields with minimum 80% score in previous qualifying exam may apply for this scholarship. Working facility managers may also apply.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will be provided financial awards from US$1500 to US$10000 for higher education. The scholarship also provides funds for travel, accommodation, meals etc. to attend IFMA’s World Workplace Conference and Exhibition (WW), Pheonix, Arizona, U.S.A.

Last Date to Apply: April 30, 2019

Application Mode: Online applications via email

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By Buvnesh

What is a steroid?

Anabolic steroids are man-made substances used by an individual to increase their performance, increasing muscle-mass and various other reasons. Steroids mimic natural hormones present in one’s body.

Within a day of using steroids the genes in our body changes, Anabolics enter the cells and attaches itself to our DNA as it is very easy for a steroid particle to enter our cells and bind with the androgen receptor and enter the nucleus. This happens at a large, which activates number of genes together and increase protein synthesis. This in return results in more nuclei in certain muscles.

All anabolic steroids available in the market are androgens, meaning they all are testosterone derivatives.

Earlier in the day when I started to workout, all I knew were protein shakes and sweat in the gym. But now-a-days when any Individual hits the gym, the first thing they have in mind is steroids and why is that? This is because the results are mesmerizing; that is what allures you, attracts you to it and you completely neglect the side effects. But one thing you should know is that the after-effects awaits you right in the corner and it won’t be easy on you.

Before, protein shakes and bodybuilding went hand in hand but in today’s era, hitting the gym means to inject steroids or to take anabolic tablets. And that has given this beautiful sport a bad name, and that breaks my heart.

Bodybuilding is about hitting the iron, pumping those weights till you can do no more, till your muscles cannot store the pumps. And even after that stage of muscle failure you feel like doing more and more. That is bodybuilding for me, and for many other athletes out there.

One thing which is very obvious is that, by using steroids you are putting in substances that are already produced by your body. Since you are doing it synthetically it stores as excess in your body. After a period of time your body stops responding to the steroid. This also stops the natural production of hormone in our body and hence the production is completely shut.

How do Steroids Work?

Anabolism means “to Build Muscle” and Catabolism means “Breakdown of Muscles”. Bodybuilders or athletes use anabolic steroids to build muscles and avoid catabolism.

When a bodybuilder or any person uses Anabolic Steroid his/her capacity to build muscles increases. And how is that? It’s simple because your muscles absorb each and every gram of protein consumed by you. Hence, your muscle protein synthesis increase and you start building lean muscle mass.

The main role of steroids when it comes to bodybuilding is to build muscle or to increase muscle protein synthesis. Muscles are made of fiber and protein. When you workout, you voluntarily break down your muscles. Your muscle fibers tear and require healing. Having a protein shake will definitely help you, but to repair any muscle it takes 24-48 hours depending on the size of the muscle group.


When you work on biceps, a smaller muscle group, it takes 24 hours for your biceps to recover after having a protein shake. Once you are under the influence of a steroid, this 24 hours will reduce to as low as 14-16 hours. That is how effective a steroid is.

A steroid increases muscle protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown, a very important thing when it comes to building muscles.

Who is it for?

Anyone and everyone, from a professional athlete to a normal person can use steroids. If you ask me, if it is necessary, well my answer is not really.

Performance enhancing drugs have been known since a very early era and have been used by competitive athletes.

Our body’s capacity to endure/ repair is limited and one requires a push after a certain point of time and that is when people opt for steroids.

Side Effects of Steroids:

Using steroids has some permanent damages that it causes to your body such as enlargement of your heart, partial or permanent failure of kidneys, liver damage, high blood pressure which makes a person prone to a heart attack.

Females who use testosterone may experience enlargement of clitoris, increased libido and showcase male like features like deepening of voice, facial structure changes and excess growth of hair on face and body.

Similarly, men who use steroids may increase libido, permanent or partial shutdown of the body’s capacity to produce testosterone.

Anyone who uses steroids would display sudden signs of anger aka “Roid Rage”. They show signs of mistrust and become highly skeptical. Hallucinate every now and then. Some other side effects include hair fall, oily skin among others. These are some known side effects but Steroids do more bad than good. Although the results are mesmerizing; the side effects are worse.

Bodybuilding is more about lifting heavy than injecting heavy. So go heavy on weights and not anabolics.


In case you have any queries related to supplementation or fitness related queries, feel free to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to help you.

Until then, keep grinding. 

For queries and suggestions, please feel free to mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp me on 9932083266

CLP India Scholarship Scheme 2019 

Description: CLP India has announced scholarships for students pursuing their higher education from class 10 to post graduation, including diploma and vocational training. This scheme provides a partial financial support to aspiring students for their study with added emphasis on girl students.

Eligibility: Candidates residing in CLP plant locations in 7 states, which are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Rajasthan, MP, Karnataka and pursuing class 10-12, graduation, diploma, vocational training and post-graduation. Candidates must have scored 50% in their previous annual examination.

Prizes & Rewards: Up to INR 6000 for class 10-12 and up to INR 18000 for higher studies. Special incentive of up to INR 5000 for girls and INR 2500 for boys is also available. Total 850 students will receive scholarships.

Last Date to Apply: April 15, 2019

Application Mode: Online applications are accepted.

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Sambhavana Fellowship 2019-20

Description: AnhadPravah Community is inviting applications from students interested in the leadership programme in the field of education to attend a 9-month fellowship program on developing education system in sub-urban areas of the country.

Eligibility: Applicants who are students of social sciences or fields related to education. and are between 18 to 30 years of age with minimum 1 year of experience in teaching/volunteering role at a school/educational institution may apply for this fellowship.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will receive a monthly stipend of ₹7000 for the complete duration of 9-month long fellowship

Last Date to Apply: April 15, 2019

Application Mode: Online applications only

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Charpak Master's Program 2019, France

Description: Campus France company is providing Indian students with an opportunity to get scholarships for their master’s degree education in France which covers their academic expenses, living expenses and travel expenses among other benefits.

Eligibility: Indian nationals with graduation degree or employed professionals with a work experience not more than 3 years; seeking admission to master’s courses applying for or already accepted at French Institutions for Master’s Degree courses in France may apply. The applicant must not be above 30 years of age.

Prizes & Rewards: Tuition fee support up to EUR 5000, medical insurance coverage of up to EUR 300 p.a. and living allowance of up to EUR 700 to the selected scholar. The scholarship also covers one-time to-and-fro airfare of the scholar, student visa expenses and assistance for accommodation.

Last Date to Apply: April 15, 2019

Application: Apply online

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As I watch and listen to the rhetoric of todays leaders, the chest thumping, war mongering, communally stirring talk, I hasten to add that peace cannot come like this. Yes, there will be moments of false peace, like the lull before a storm, like the cease-fire when night settles on troops, but all this shouting and yelling and shrill shrieking is just injecting into the so called foe, a feeling of helplessness that will translate into a vicious backlash that has more power in its muscle than trained troops can handle.

Something I’ve learned in life is that the man who fights with his back against the wall inflicts more damage than who he fights against.

We don’t want that.

We don’t want our nation destroyed by trumpeting braggarts, and we are not talking of only national leaders but even many in WhatsApp groups, who use fingers, thumb and time overtime to mock, jeer and lampoon those from other communities, and yet these same fellows when they go abroad will be the most quiet and law abiding people found anywhere.


Their strength comes in their numbers.

And the feeling is that if we have the numbers, we can force a peace on those with lesser numbers.

But peace cannot come like this!

Peace come by being inclusive: A few years ago, I watched as children in the colony I lived in chased away tenants from playing table tennis in the society club house. As chairman, I immediately saw to it that we passed a rule that all tenants could enjoy all the facilities in the colony, be it cricket, or even the lunches and dinners we had. With this one move, we found that any problem of car parking or loud music or late-night noise was solved with a just a discussion and a hand shake.

Peace came by being inclusive, not by using numbers to brow beat the minority tenants.

Videos showing gangs lynching a singe person, are just visual acts of cowardice, just as much as political leaders addressing meetings praising or criticizing one community or another.

Why did I bring the tenants into the fold, not just to make them feel inclusive but also recognizing the fact that the law stated they had equal rights to the others in the colony.

And that is exactly what our constitution states, that every single citizen in this country, is equal: No Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc! Only Indians.

And if after this election, these members swear by the Constitution of this country, which they will have to, then they are bound to see that every citizen is treated the same.

Because, my dear winners of the next election, peace cannot come any other way, and in case you don’t believe me, invest in a history book, of course, one which hasn’t been recently tampered with, and you will find what I’m saying is true; peace cannot come like this..! 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

By Buvnesh & Nidhi

The answer to my last quiz was, “Chest”. During a plank your Chest is the only muscle group that isn’t worked on.

What is a Supplement?

To many people who are not familiar to this term; supplements are nothing but nutrients/minerals that are added to your diet through a manufactured source. A supplement is a compound that describes a nutrient, a formulation, or some type of compound that is “drug-free” or “natural.”

Usually when one’s daily intake of macro and micro nutrients, which consists mainly of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other vitamins, minerals are not met to the minimum amount required; a supplement is added to the diet.

But when it comes to Bodybuilding, the main supplement that is required to build muscles is a protein supplement; preferably with carbohydrates.

Why a Protein Supplement?

To maintain, repair and increase lean muscle mass. The first way a supplement might help you build muscle, lose fat, and improve your health is simply by making up for deficiencies.

A person whose goal is to build muscle or to lose weight; a supplement would definitely help them reach their goals much faster and efficiently by maintaining in- muscle protein balance. Of course a natural diet would also help to do so, but it’ll take much longer than expected. Simply because one cannot eat the required amount of proteins is not met to facilitate his/her goal

For Example: A person who weighs 100 kgs has to eat 80 grams of quality protein in a day, just so that his diet isn’t deficit of protein.

Now to complete the goal of 80 grams, which is bare minimum of that person; he/she has to consume around 250 grams of chicken breast or roughly 25 boiled eggs or 350 grams of fish in one day, 900 grams of lentils.

How much protein in one day?

A sedentary man requires 0.8 grams of protein per kg of his body weight. So, if a man weighs 77kgs; his protein intake should be 0.8 grams x 77kgs which equals 61.6 grams per day. A female requires 0.6g of protein per kg of her body weight.

However, the above stated quantity are just to meet the bare minimum requirement i.e. they do not go into a state where they are deficient of protein.

However, when it comes to building lean muscle mass these numbers can go up to 1-1.2 g per kg of body weight.

How does a Protein Supplement help?

A protein supplement simply helps by making up for any deficit (s) in ones diet. Proteins are the building blocks of one’s body, made up of amino acids. It is a building block for your muscles, bones, skin, cartilage, and blood.

In short, your whole body; from the tip of your hair to your toe nails are made up of proteins.

When a person goes to the gym or does any physical activity, he/she is under stress for that stipulated period of time. They undergo a series of activities that demands high levels of energy, high quality of energy, which is very important for any person to make them perform better. Adding a supplement would help improve one’s performance, simply by making up for the deficiencies and improving their performance by improving the quality of protein supplied to their muscles.

Where can you get Proteins from?

There are various sources of protein which include Veg and Non-veg sources. Non-Veg sources such as beef, pork, poultry and seafood.

Vegetarian sources include; beans and lentils, eggs, dairy, and soy products, nuts, and seeds.

Some meats have greater nutritional value as compared to other meats as they come under the category of “lean meat”, which simply means, no-fat in the source.

Non-animal sources or Vegetarian sources of protein are also a good source of protein but the amino profile is lower as compared to a Non-veg source. That doesn’t mean that a Vegetarian source of protein is bad in any way.

Types of Protein:

There are mainly five types of proteins.

1.  Whey Concentrate or Raw Protein: Whey Concentrate/Raw Protein, as the name suggests, is the protein extracted from milk that doesn’t undergo any further processing. This type of whey is generally hard to digest.

2. Whey Protein: Whey is a fast acting protein. Your body absorbs the amino acids quickly and can utilise the nutrients right away. This is the most common form of protein being used. This is made by breaking down whey concentrate.

3. Casein: Casein is a slow digesting protein. A good alternative for a meal.

4. Hydrolysed: A hydrolysed protein or a protein hydrolysate is a type of protein which is already “digested” or hydrolysed (with water). Whey protein is further broken down to this form so that it is digested easily by the body.

5. Isolated: A whey isolate is a type of protein, which is processed further to remove maximum amount of fat and carbohydrates. This type of protein is suitable for people on a strict diet.

When to take a Supplement?

Here are a few tips on when to consume a quality protein supplement to help maximise the muscle-building potential. First and most importantly, consume a protein-rich supplement (preferably with carbohydrates) right after a workout. This is the time when your body requires aminos the most and prevents your body from catabolism.

Next, try consuming a protein supplement first thing in the morning to maintain nitrogen balance, this prevents muscle catabolism. The sooner you consume a protein supplement in the morning, the better, especially if your goal is to gain muscle size and strength.

One advantage of consuming g a protein first thing in the morning is that it is digested much quicker. For example, the amino acid will get into your system much faster than if you were to eat ten egg whites.

Words by Nidhi:

If you really want to take care of your body then make protein a crucial part of your diet. Being a female athlete, my protein requirement is lower as compared to a male athlete but it is crucial for me as I have to retain lean muscle mass that I have developed over the years. It also helps me during my preps and during a competition it helps me to be fuller for a longer period of time.

“Every women needs protein. It will improve your overall Heath and you will look and feel amazing inside-out.”

Let’s bust some myths:

Comment down below or drop a mail with any myths that you know or have heard about working out or about supplements.

Until then …

Keep Grinding! 

For queries and suggestions, please feel free to mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.