By Buvnesh

Last week we had discussed about ‘bench press’, a great way to build mass for the chest. This week let’s concentrate on building the ‘back muscles’.

The “back” is a big muscle group, which is bundled with a number of Muscles. There are numerous muscles when it comes to “the back” but begin with, let’s target the following muscles:

1. Traps aka Collar Muscle

2. Lats aka Wings.

In order to have a good muscular look a well developed Trap Muscle is crucial and in order to have a wide look from the back, a well developed Lat Muscle is crucial.

A very small portion of the trap muscle is seen to the naked eye, which in our language is called “The Belly” of the muscle, but that muscle stretches all the way down and is attached to the mid section of the back.

A very good exercise to develop the back altogether is the ‘bent-over barbell rows’.

To perform a Barbell Row, follow these steps:

1. Stand as close as you can to the dumbbell.

2. Knees bent, chest up always and lower yourself towards the bar and hold the bar at shoulder width apart.

3. Lift the bar, and ensure you keep your lower back straight.

4. Now pull the bar towards your belly button, hold it for a split second and return to the starting position and repeat for 10-12 for 4 sets with progressively increasing the weights.

Pro Tips:-

While doing any back movement, in order to get the maximum squeeze and contraction in your back, try to pull your elbows as past your body as you can. And pull the weights using your elbows. It may appear a bit difficult initially, but use it as a cue to contract your back and feel your back muscles.

Until then, keep grinding! Ciao, till next week! 

For queries and suggestions, please feel free to mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp me on 9932083266

Category: Merit-cum-Means based

Scholarship: GEV Memorial Merit Scholarship 2019 for Law Students

Description: Dr. Goolam E. Vahanvati Scholarship Fund is providing scholarships to students pursuing law degree courses across the nation to study at premier law institutions. This scholarship program will provide students a chance to be mentored by elite judiciary communities of India.

Eligibility:  Indian students pursuing LLB/LLM courses in any year of their course curriculum, at premier law institutions of India may apply for this scholarship. Students who have cleared CLAT, LSAT-India, AILET, or any other law entrance exam in 2019 may also apply. Applicants’ family income should not be more than ₹10.00 Lakhs per annum. Every applicant should have scored at least 60% in class 10 and 12 exams.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will be awarded a scholarship sum of ₹50,000 to ₹2.00 Lakhs per year to pay for academic expenses. Scholars would also receive training and mentorship.

Last Date to Apply: May 31, 2019

Application: Apply online

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Category: Means Based

Scholarship:  Joining Hands Higher Education Scholarship Programme 2019-2020

Description: NGO Joining Hands, India is providing financial aid to students from financially underprivileged communities for managing their academic expenses. The scholarship aims to support students for their graduation and postgraduation studies.

Eligibility: Students of Class 12 or Class 12 passed level (min. 60% score or above) or graduation degree residing in Delhi, Bengaluru or Pune willing to pursue undergraduate courses or postgraduate courses respectively at recognised institutions may apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is only aimed at benefiting students from the lower income group families.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will receive appropriate financial support to cover their tuition fees, books, hostel, conveyance expenses as incurred at the educational institution

Last Date to Apply: May 30, 2019

Application: Submit online applications via email

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Category: National Level

Scholarship:  National Overseas Scholarship Scheme for SC 2019-20

Description: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India is providing financial support to students from SC community to help them in pursuing higher education overseas. The aim is to promote the aspirations of students from SC communities with scholarships for studying abroad.

Eligibility: Students of various SC communities with minimum 55% marks in bachelors’ degree (for Master’s Courses) or master’s degree (for Ph.D. courses) may apply for this scholarship. Any applicant should not be more than 35 years of age on April 01, 2019 and should not have annual family income above INR 6.00 Lakhs.

Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will be awarded with annual maintenance stipends of US$15,400 or GBP9,900 for studies in USA and UK respectively.

Last Date to Apply: May 31, 2019

Application: Apply online

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By Maneesha Nath

As Bobbi Brown rightly said; “I believe all women are pretty without Make-up but with the right Make-up can be PRETTY POWERFUL.

Always remember Inner beauty is great but a little lipstick never hurts. 

To start with let us go back to the history of Make-up for a better understanding.  Make-up has been around for at least 6000 years and has played a role in nearly every society.

In 4000bc, Ancient Egyptians used unguent to keep their skin hydrated, supple and wrinkle free. So women apply dark green colour to the under lid. They blacken the lashes and the upper lid with kohl, which is sometimes made from soot.

In 1000bc, Persian women used henna dyes to stain their hair and faces.

In the 1st century, Romans used kohl, rouge and chalk to whiten their skin.

In late 1800s, Victorian women plucked their eyebrows, massage castor oil into their eyelashes, used rice powder on their face and buff their nails. They rubbed beetroot juice on their lips and cheeks as lipstick and blush.

In 1820, RIMMEL created the first non toxic Mascaras which today, is a well known brand across.

In 1910s, the first pressed powder was introduced and it included a mirror and puff for touch ups. Pressed blush was invented soon after this.

Vogue featured Turkish women using HENNA to outline their eyes in 1914. Max Factor started selling Make-up to movie stars in 1914 and then in 1920s Max Factor introduced Lip Gloss. The first eyelash curler was also invented then.  Mascara in cake and cream forms became popular soon after.

In the 1950s Movie star Audrey Hepburn popularised the most famous Outlined Cat Eyes. 

Eye shadows and lined eyes are so trendy that any makeup is incomplete with this. This magic (eye shadows and lined eye liner) was invented in the 1970s and continues till date.

In 1990s cosmetics begin to combat wrinkles and cellulite and Botox injections became a popular anti ageing technique in 2002 and it continues.

As the history itself suggest, there have been inventions after inventions in the Make-up world, in a bid to bring out the best in you. As a Make-up Artist, I personally feel and strongly support that it’s the basic right of a person to look his/her best and believe me, the right Make-up works wonders. 

With this introduction on Make-up, I would be explaining my readers on how to select the right Make-up for the right occasion and thus enhance the beauty in you. So watch out for our weekly column in Andaman Chronicle – “Adara – Your Make-up Expert” by your very own Maneesha Nath.  

About the Author: “It doesn’t matter what others do. What matters is, what you are capable of. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”

Maneesha Nath hails from Andaman & Nicobar Islands and has a diploma in aviation and hospitality. She did her industrial training from the Republic of Maldives and later was placed at the Bangalore International Airport as a guest relations officer. While continuing to work, Maneesha completed her graduation through correspondence but there was something lacking in her. Not knowing how to proceed, she decided to join a diploma in Makeup Artistry.  It was the turning point in her life, when she realized, this is what she always wanted to be – a Makeup Artist.  

Maneesha has since then assisted for brand shoots, portfolio, bridal projects among others. Her first individual project as a makeup artist for a portfolio shoot was of the model/ actress Avni Modi (Madhur Bhandarkar’s movie: Calendar Girls), which was followed by more bridal projects and brand shoots, serial, portfolio and many more.


“Something troubling you ma?” I asked looking at my mother and also mother of more than a billion, “It’s Mother’s Day, be happy!”

I watched as the mother of over a billion looked at the calendar furtively, “I don’t think I’ll rest till the 23rd!” she said sadly.

“But today is your day!” I said.

“Mother’s Day, should be a day of a mother’s happiness!” sighed the mother of over a billion, “That’s when she knows all her children are happy! But today I fear for some of my own as I see them discriminated by other children of mine!”

“You’re crying Mother India!” I whispered, horrified to see my mother cry.

“Yes my son! What pains a mother the most is when she sees her children pitting themselves against each other, with some trying to say I belong only to them. What hurts a mother the most is when she sees the blood of an offspring drawn by another, she considers her own!”

“Yes!” I whispered,“I see this happening!”

“All my children are one! There is no child of mine who can claim to be a majority or is sidelined as a minority! How can there be a division among sisters and brothers?”

“And you feel May 23rd could see a change?”

“On that day, there will either be the beginning of more hatred and anger enforced again by some children of mine, or there could be a diffusing of all that has been infused among my sons and daughters in the last five years!” 

“I hope and pray your children will be wise Mother India!” I whispered.

“I was wrested from the British over sixty years ago, and given my freedom! A freedom that is precious, and most of you are children of a free me! Keep me that way, not bound and fettered again to the liking of any one particular group!”

“You are mother to all of us!”

“Yes! Yes!” whispered the mother of over a billion, “I am mother to all who I have spawned and not just to some! Please let that message reach each of my children; that nothing, not their faith, their colour, caste or creed makes them lessof a child of mine, that all that matters is their umbilical binding to me! Yes, you are bound to me my children and I to you, whateverothers might say, and those cords cannot be stretched, torn or broken by anyone who thinks they are more special than any of my other children! Remember this, whatever happens on the 23rd!”

It is a Mother’s Day message from my mother and yours..! 

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By Buvnesh

In any kind of exercise / sport, stretching is one of the first things to be implemented in the training program. It is considered one of the fundamental requirements, which must be acquired before getting involved with more sports specific work. Even more, mobility work has become so important that every sport has adopted its own specific stretching regime.

Benefits of Stretching:

-Stretching before and after exercise allows the body to gently pull on all the muscles that will be used, or have been used, decreasing the chance of tearing and injury when a muscle tears that is when injury happens. If a person jumps right into an exercise routine without stretching first a tear is one of the worst things that can happen the most common pain to happen is stiffness.

-Stretching before and after reduces the stiffness that occurs with exercise. If a person gets too stiff they are likely to not continue with the exercise and it will affect their overall fitness. Stretching after an exercise routine allows the muscles to expand and relax over the tense parts of the body.

-Stretching before and after a typical exercise routine will help your body and be so important to fitness. Stretching unblocks twisted nerves, it allows the nerve and the muscle to better connect, it helps to correctly position muscle fibres and it is a great strength builder.

-Lubricating substance from the cartilage within the joints aids the fluid motion of muscles and keeps bones from scraping against one another at connection points in the body.

-Stretching increases flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie shoelaces or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring.

-Stretching improves range of motion of joints and improves posture. Good range of motion keeps an individual in better balance and less prone to falls — and the related injuries — especially as the age progresses.

-Stretching improves circulation. Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles. Improved circulation can speed recovery after muscle injuries.

-Stretching in between your workout routine also helps by enhancing the effect of the workout and avoid stiffness during sets.

Therefore never forget to stretch yourselves before any workout.  Until then, keep grinding! Ciao, till next week! 

For queries and suggestions, please feel free to mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp me on 9932083266