It was with a weak hello she answered the phone. “Rosy!” I asked, “May I write about you?”

“What’s there to write about me Bob?” she asked, a smile in same feeble voice.

This happened many years ago!                     

The skies were dark and a heavy cloud hung over us as we drove on roads that echoed the darkness above. We were two writers in the car, my friend, whose first book published by a renowned publisher, which had been a runaway success, was now stuck with no offers for his second, and I, a newspaper columnist who had just lost a lucrative foreign newspaper.

Quite often I hear of children tragically falling into a deep borewell! I mischievously wonder what would happen if a politician falls into a deep hole:"There's somebody fallen into the hole?" shouts the politician's PA to the TV station.


"A minister!"  

"Oh! Let him be, we have other events to cover than rescue operations of a minister!"

Many believe that competition is bad, that life is meant to be peaceful and calm, sitting on a mountain, or playing golf!

Gary Player for years was a great competitor in national and international golf tournaments. People constantly said to him, "I'd give anything if I could hit a golf ball like you."

It wasn't too long ago that scowls and frowns greeted me when I entered a store abroad: Salesman at counter, shop owner and all the customers lifting their heads none too discretely, knew I'd come in just to browse, look at stuff, touch, sigh at price, maybe even venture to ask how much, but never oh never buy anything, unless it was less than a dollar!