Port Blair, July 10: The Member of Parliament, A&N Islands, Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma has requested the Lt. Governor, A&N Islands to consider construction of “Learners Swimming Pool” of lesser depth, adjacent to the existing swimming pool at Netaji Subhash Sports Complex, Port Blair and also at various locations in A&N Islands to encourage more and children to adopt swimming as their hobby or as sporting activity.

Report: Sajeet Mathai

Port Blair, July 10: In a bid to spread awareness and curbing the spread of the horrifying corona virus, a group of youth volunteers today conducted a sanitisation and awareness drive at STS Bus Terminus, Mohanpura. The drive was conducted in association with the Directorate of Transport, A&N Administration.

De-Salination Plant Supplying 1.5 -2 Lakh Litres Not Working Since Last Few Years

Port Blair, July 9: GB Pant Hospital in Port Blair, Andaman is the lone referral/ Treating Hospital (as well as the main COVID hospital) in the islands, which also is now a part of Medical College of Andamans. There have been complaints pouring in from the patients admitted in the hospitals and their attenders that there is no water facility in any of the wards of the Hospital. Having realized the gravity of the matter, the Ex-Member of Parliament, A&N Islands, Shri Bishnu Pada Ray visited the hospital at 9.00 AM on 3rd July, 2020. After having interacted with the patients and doctors it was found that there was no water in the Toilets/ Bathing room/ Wash basins and not even water for drinking. The reservoir tank was also found empty.

Port Blair, July 10: The Ex-Adhyaksh, Zilla Parishad South Andaman, Miss Mariyam Bibi called upon the Secretary Social Welfare and briefed her about the problems being faced by the old age and disabled persons to get the live certificate by the gazetted officers to continue their pension scheme.

Port Blair, July 9: The Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma after observing the difficulties faced by the general public has requested the Director of Transport, A&N Administration to commence STS bus services between Chatham and GB Pant Hospital and also between Garacharma and GB Pant Hospital and vice versa.