Port Blair, Oct. 3: Together with the rest of the country, the 153rd birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation - Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated in these Islands too in a befitting manner on Oct. 2. The main function was held at Gandhi Park wherein the Commissioner-cum-Secretary, A&N Administration, Ms Nandini Paliwal, IAS as the chief guest offered floral tributes at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi. This was followed by offering of floral tributes by the Adhyaksha, Zilla Parishad (SA), Smti Pramila Kumari, Chairperson, PBMC, Smti Kavita Udhay Kumar, senior officers of A&N Administration, Councilors and others.

Port Blair, Oct. 3: The online link for submission of Exam Form for December-2022 Term-End-Exam of Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU) has started now. The December, 2022 Term-end Examinations of the University is likely to commence from 2nd December 2022.

Port Blair, Oct. 3: Three COVID positive cases have been detected today in A&N Islands from incoming flight passengers who arrived here yesterday. Today, 14 flights with 2245 passengers arrived, out of which, 1945 passengers were vaccinated with both doses while RT-PCR test was conducted on 272 passengers and the reports are awaited.  

Port Blair, Oct. 3: The last date for fresh admission in Indira Gandhi National Open University's for July 2022 session is further extended upto 10th October 2022. For Online admission, log on - https://ignouadmission.samarth. edu.in. For more details, visit IGNOU Website – www. ignou.ac.in or for offline admission contact IGNOU Regional Centre, Port Blair over Phone: 03192-242888, 03192-230111 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Port Blair, Oct. 2: On the issues concerning DBRAIT a joint memorandum by political parties has been submitted to the Union Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah for his personal intervention and immediate solution of the issues.

The memorandum mentioned that the students of Dr BR Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Port Blair are on agitation path for the last few months, demanding settlement of their issues but no concrete and sincere action has yet been taken either by the Govt. of India or the A&N Administration.