Port Blair, Aug 6: A Military Band Concert by the Andaman and Nicobar Command was held at Cellular Jail on 05th Aug 2020 between 5PM to 6PM. The Military Band performed to show gratitude and support to the indomitable spirit of the Corona Warriors in their fight against the Pandemic. A similar performance will be held on 09 Aug 2020 at Flag Point from 5PM to 6PM.

Port Blair, Aug 6: To contain the spread of COVID 19 Pandemic, along with other departments, PBMC is also in the forefront to keep the city clean and sanitized. All the Quarantine Homes / Vulnerable areas are being sanitized by the Field Staffs of PBMC who are provided with proper PPE kit for their own safety. The Containment areas declared by Administration are also being cleared of the garbage dumps after getting due entry permission from the District Administration.

A Coordination Committee is the Need of the Hour among others: Kuldeep

Port Blair, Aug 5: The Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma has taken up important issues in view of rapid increase in COVID-19 in the A & N Islands with Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor of A & N Islands. In a letter to the Lt. Governor, the MP said:

ANI Administration Should Make its COVID-19 Management Plan Public: Vishal Jolly

Port Blair, Aug 5: The recent surge in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the islands has sent shock wave across fellow islanders. With the number of cases racing towards four figure mark and number of death touching the two figure mark, the situation is getting from bad to worse every passing day throughout A & N Islands, said the Ex-President, BJP and Member of Home Ministers Advisory Committee, Shri Vishal Jolly in a letter to the Lt. Governor, A&N Islands.

Tribals Register their Protest as to Why the Suspect was Admitted in Civil Hospital

Kamorta, Aug. 5: A defence personnel from INS Kardip was admitted in the Community Health Centre at Kamorta Island on 1st of August 2020. As his condition deteriorated, INS Kardip shifted the patients to Port Blair on the third day to INHS Dhanvantri, where he was tested Corona Positive.