Port Blair, Nov. 17: The District Administration has decided to impose restriction on celebration of Chhath Puja this year in South Andaman District in view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Port Blair, Nov. 17: In view of Special Summary Revision-2021, of A & N Islands Parliamentary Electoral Roll, the District Election Officer, South Andaman District has convened a meeting of all political parties.

Port Blair, Nov. 16: Two youths of Tushnabad were killed in a road accident today afternoon after a bus of the State Transport Services, registration number AN01 E0040 overran them. The youngsters were on a bike when the accident took place. The boys were identified as Naveen, 17 years and Preetam, 18 years, students of Sr. Sec. School Tushnabad. Further investigation is in progress.

Dist. Administration Appeals to General Public to go in for Online Registration

Port Blair, Nov. 16: Registration process is a key aspect of the District Revenue Administration. In order to achieve transparency and accountability in the system, district administration has been registering deeds through online process. It is hereby appealed to the general public that they may register on URL https://onlineregistrationani.gov.in/ or visit their nearest Common Service Centers (CSCs) for uploading their documents at enlisted rates of CSCs.  The District Administration’s objective is to simplify the procedures and streamline the entire process. It is worth mentioning that, as on date there is zero pendency with Sub Registrar Office, South Andaman.

Port Blair, Nov. 16: The State President, BJ, Shri. Ajoy Bairagi has wished all journalists working in the Islands a very Happy National Press Day. He expressed his gratitude to the journalists working in the Islands for free, fair and unbiased reporting and wished them the best for their future endeavours.