Port Blair, May 31: Disinfection work of entire buildings / structures, machineries and other equipment including the open premises starting from the Main entrance gate was carried out at Mill Division, Chatham in order to make COVID-19 free atmosphere so as to resume the routine works of various sections.

Port Blair, May 31: Lieutenant General Manoj Pande, AVSM, VSM, took over as the 15th Commander-in-Chief of the Andaman & Nicobar Command (CINCAN) on 01 Jun 2020. An alumnus of National Defence Academy, the General Officer was commissioned into the Corps of Engineers (The Bombay Sappers) in December 1982. He is a graduate of Staff College, Camberley (United Kingdom) and attended the Higher Command Course at Army War College, Mhow and National Defence College (NDC) at Delhi.

Port Blair, May 29: The Secretary of the Society for Andaman & Nicobar Ecology (SANE), Mr. Samir Acharya has called upon the Chief General Manager, BSNL, A&N Islands to resign and seek another posting because of the sorry state of BSNL services under him.

Port Blair, May 31: Lieutenant General Podali Shankar Rajeshwar PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, the 14th Commander-in-Chief of the Andaman & Nicobar Command (CINCAN) retired from service on 31st May 2020, leaving a glorious legacy and many milestones in his distinguished career spanning four decades. He had taken over the appointment on 01 Dec 19.

Port Blair, May 29: After the flight services resumed in Port Blair sector on 25th May 2020, the Andaman & Nicobar Administration, based on the National Directives on COVID-19 had allowed the passengers without quarantine, under conditions of self-observation. Though, due thermal testing and other related formalities were done upon the arrival of passengers at the airport, two passengers out of a total of five who reached Shaheed Dweep (Neil Island) were tested after one elderly person showed COVID-19 like symptoms. The two had reached Neil Island in the afternoon of 27th May 2020.