Port Blair, Aug 11: The Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands is organising a “State Level Convention on Restoration of Old Pension Scheme” on 12th August, 2023 at 9.30 a.m. at Andhra Association Hall, Port Blair.

Port Blair, Aug 11: Coast Guard Regional Headquarters (A&N) conducted its 15th District/ Station Commanders’ Conference and Works Conference on 10 and 11 Aug 23, at Port Blair. The conference brought together all District/ Station Commanders and senior ICG officers of the A&N Region to discuss and strategize key operational and administrative matters.

Car Nicobar, Aug 11: The Nicobar Police today honoured the retired personnel of Andaman & Nicobar Police and other Defense forces belonging to the native land of Nicobar district by presenting mementos for their service to the nation.  Later on, pledge was administered by the Superintendent of Police (Nicobar) District about “Panch Pran Pledge” along with the SDPO (Car Nicobar), SDPO (Campbell Bay) and all other Jawans serving in Andaman & Nicobar Police, in their respective campus.

Port Blair, Aug 11: The Andaman & Nicobar AIDS Control Society (ANACS) and “Red Ribbon Club” (RRC) of Tagore Government College of Education (TGCE) organized an Orientation and Capacity Building workshop on Prevention and Control of HIV & AIDS for the youth of TGCE, Port Blair, on 11th August 2023. The workshop was an initiative for enrolling members from 1st year in the “Red Ribbon Club” (RRC). The objective of the club is to educate youth and encourage them to learn about safe and healthy lifestyles, give access to information on HIV/AIDS, and also educate them about voluntary blood donation and safe sexual behaviors. In all the colleges such platforms are made available for free exchange of AIDS related discussions.     

I convey my Greetings to the vibrant and dynamic youths of Andaman and Nicobar Islands on the occasion of International Youth Day!

The energy, creativity, and enthusiasm that you bring to our Islands is truly inspiring. Your determination to shape a brighter future for yourselves and your communities is a testament to your potential. This day reminds us of the immense power that lies within each of you to drive positive change, innovation, and progress.