I express my wholehearted gratitude and deep respect to all Islanders for the love and support showered on me during this 2024 Lok Sabha Election

I accept the verdict of Islanders and promise to remain committed to the betterment of our people and Islands. I will continue to work tirelessly for the development and prosperity of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Mayabunder, June 6: In the morning of 06/06/2024 a complaint of night burglary at a shop in Mayabunder Bazaar was reported by a shop owner at PS Mayabunder. Upon this, a special team, led by Inspector P.K. Abdul Arif, SHO, PS Mayabunder, including PCs Dilleshwar Rao, Sailen Pandey, M. Nasir and Rajesh (IRBn) was constituted to track down the culprit.

The team conducted a comprehensive search, alerted informers and gathered intelligence. With their thorough efforts of the team, Saw Hteemothel S/o Shri. Saw Ahdeeh (19) yrs R/o Webi, Mayabunder was identified the prime suspect and a CCL (Child in conflict with Law) also involved in the theft. Acting swiftly, they devised a plan and successfully apprehended the accused and the CCL. On a thorough interrogation, he admitted his involvement in theft and the stolen cash was successfully recovered from the accused within 03 hours of registration of case.

Port Blair, June 6: The Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Port Blair campus was abuzz with activity and a sense of purpose as it celebrated World Environment Day with a series of meaningful events aimed at fostering a deep connection with nature and a commitment to environmental stewardship.

The celebration began with the ceremonial Puja of the saplings. This spiritual start underscored the Ashram’s holistic approach towards environmentalism and blending reverence for nature with practical action.

General Public Requested to Inform About Quack Doctors and Sale of Fake Drugs

Port Blair, June 6: The Clinical Establishment (Registration & Regulation) Act, 2010 has been enacted by the Government of India to provide for registration and regulation of all clinical establishment including hospitals, nursing homes, single Doctor Clinics, Diagnostic Centres and others in Government as well as private sector. This Act prescribes minimum standards of facilities and services, including details of personnel, which may be provided by them so that mandate of Article-47 of the Constitution for improvement in public health may be achieved.  

The Clinical Establishment Act aims to instil uniformity and transparency in provision of health care services for patients, major objectives of this legislation is to create a standard framework to ensure consistency across clinical establishments.

Port Blair, June 6: The scientific team of ICAR-CIARI Regional Station, Minicoy under the plan and guidance of Dr. E. B. Chakurkar, Director ICAR- CIARI, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, organizedplantation drive on 05.06.2024. In connection with‘World Environment Day celebration 2024’. Theplanting drive was carried at ICAR-CIARI RS Minicoy Farm under the campaign slogan “Our land Our future”. Plantation was done with spices plants like Cinnamon (12 nos.), Black pepper (12 nos.) & Nut meg (5) under coconut plantation of 281 sq. area in the presence of villages Moopans of Minicoy.