Port Blair, Aug. 4: The Andaman & Nicobar Islands have recorded as many as 13 deaths due to COVID-19 pandemic. Two deaths were recorded today in which an eight year old boy suffering from diabetes succumbed to COVID-19 after he was admitted in the GB Pant Hospital. The child was waiting to be airlifted to Chennai for specialized treatment but could not make it due to lack of proper treatment at Andaman’s only referral hospital, GB Pant.

Port Blair, Aug. 4: Having witnessing the pathetic situation in Andaman & Nicobar Islands to contain COVID-19, a local youth of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Master Adarsh Ilango has filed an official grievance with the Prime Minister’s Office. The grievance was lodged on 31st July 2020, which speaks for itself. The youth narrates:

Port Blair, Aug 4: As a part of precautionary measures to fight the Pandemic COVID-19 the PBMC has put in extra efforts and swung into action to keep the city clean, sanitize the Containment Area, vulnerable stretches of the city and all Quarantine homes/Institutions and all markets.

Port Blair, Aug. 4: Owing to the increased movement of general public in the public transport, operated in the South Andaman District like Stage carriage buses, Autorickshaws and taxis, which might be one of the medium for transfer of virus between the infected and non-infected persons, the Director of Transport, Dr Navlendra Kumar Singh has issued an order to suspend the services from 4th August 2020 to 11th August 2020.

Port Blair, Aug 3: The recent weather forecast indicates remnant of low pressure system from East will emerge in to North Bay of Bengal. It is likely to intensify further and become well marked low pressure area by 4th Aug 20. Under its influence, heavy rain, squally winds gusting upto30-35 knots and very rough sea conditions with wave height 3.5-4.0 Mtrs are likely to remain over Andaman sea upto 05 Aug 20.