The only ‘Made in India’ product, we should be proud of sending abroad, and worth exporting is the product of peace and non-violence that was taught by Gandhiji and that won us our freedom. Otherwise, the very concept of making something that foreign powers have innovated just makes us worker ants.

And why would they want to make something in our country instead of doing it on their own, except that our labour is cheaper than what they pay for their workers. Which makes us a sort of old colonial slave labour force.

One very fond memory I carry is getting on to my old motor bike and riding to the sea. Any guesses who my pillion was? No, not some pretty lass but an old uncle. We drove to the beach and then sat on the sand and gazed into the distance. “Do you feel relaxed Bob?” he would ask.

“Yes,” I would say.

“Do you know why?”

International Nurses Day is celebrated all over the world every year on 12thMay, the birth anniversary of FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, also known as THE LADY WITH THE LAMP. The aim of celebrating Nurses Day is to raise awareness of the important role nurses play in the society and the contributions, commitment of nurses among common public in providing the best health services.

It’s one of the most impressive old structures among the heritage buildings along the sea front, looked after with total dedication by a tall Anglo- Indian gentleman with a booming voice. The building would have gone to the dogs if not for this one man. And yet I remember him thirty-five years ago, a watchman for an orphanage. He was an alcoholic and lived more in the gutters where he fell asleep after his last drink than in the room the trustees of the orphanage had given him.

The stock markets are getting shaky! All because one man who has been continuously booed is causing supposedly invincible opponents to start looking worried!

Rahul Gandhi, for nearly a decade he has been joked about, lampooned, ridiculed and booed by the prime minister and the ruling party, but suddenly the whole nation is looking at him as a formidable opponent to  the once invincible Modi!

I believe he ignored the boos!