There’s so many of us who wonder why we’ve been thrown into this cruel, hard world, with it’s misfortunes, betrayals, dishonesty and more. Some shudder at hardships, depression and tough days they wearily crawl through, grey, dark and dim, with no sign of abatement. 

Nanda Devi is surrounded by a ring of mountains enclosing the Sanctuary, which despite decades of attempts, no one was able to enter. In 1934 Eric Shipton, and his associates succeeded in finding a climbing route into the Sanctuary, via the Rishi Ganga gorge.

Last night, was out for dinner with friends and I’d come back late, but did what I normally do, which is charge my phone before jumping into bed and off to sleep.

This morning, I looked puzzled at a blank screen.

The phone had not charged.

When we are strong and physically able, how easy it is to trust everybody! We do so because we have complete confidence in ourselves, that in case of any trouble, our strength, both physical and mental, will take care of the situation. But as we age, this confidence grows weaker. We tend to look more suspiciously at strangers or new acquaintances and do not make friends so easily. “Who knows what he or she really wants!” we think to ourselves whenever somebody gets a little friendly.

Sometimes there is a typo error in my column! Once in a way not one, not two, but three! Normally within minutes of sending the column, I get readers responding from all over, some sending me an emoji of appreciation, others coining a reply. Sometimes it’s a dozen, often a score and every, once in a while a few hundred write in.

But those days when an error takes place, there is an avalanche! Messages came from all over, each pointing out the mistake I’ve made, and I thank each one of you for the same.

Many years ago while walking through a village in the outskirts of the city, I suddenly stopped and held the arm of a friend who was walking alongside, "Listen!" I said and we both stopped and listened. I saw his face grow from curiosity to enlightenment, "Isn't it beautiful!" I whispered and he nodded.

It was the sound of the wind gently rustling the leaves of a tree.