The mood in the country is rather mixed right now after the elections, but if all of us could focus on the positive instead of the negative, then the whole country would be happy again. I came across this wonderful speech delivered to a graduating class of 2003, by Butch Jimenez. I believe students wished they had brought a pencil and paper to jot down notes during the speech; some even wished they had a tape recorder.

Man has many weaknesses, but one of his biggest is he can never play the role of God. Strangely, many dream of being gods in some form or other, of having people loving them absolutely, praising them constantly, and worshipping them continually, but the moment those wishes start coming through, man cannot handle it, and falls apart.

Humble, good men when praised about their exceptional talents, lose their humility and think themselves gods.

Ever so often do I hear people telling me how they lay awake through the previous night. They make it sound like the end of the world.

“You lay awake all night?” I ask laughing.

“Yes,” they say, “yes, don’t laugh Bob!”

“And did the troubles of the day appear, all the bigger at night?”

Had been invited to speak at a book-launch and during the evening asked the new author when he planned to write another book, “I plan to take three months off, and go to some place quiet, where I am alone, and write!” he said.

“Don’t take three months, take three years off,” said his wife, much to the amusement of all the others listening.

Dr Ashoke Bandyopadhyay

MS, MCh, Clinical Director, Dept of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Peerless Hospital Kolkata

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