"The sky is filled with pearls, a sight to behold,

As dawn breaks, the horizon's beauty unfolds.

The earth, wrapped in greenery, shines like a gem,

As the morning sun rises, its radiance beams.

Kindness is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

Kind words toward those you daily meet,

Kind words and actions right,

Will make this life of ours most sweet,

Turn darkness into light… Isaac Watts

I was shocked to see the office of my friend, a managing director: It was in an absolute state of chaos and disarray: Books thrown on the floor, files scattered all over and the glass top of the table shattered. “What happened?” I asked, “Tornado passed through?”

“Something like that Bob,” said the MD as he looked sheepishly from his chair, “I don’t know what got into him. He’s a hard working chap, and I would hate to lose him, but after what he’s just done, I might not call the police, but I’ll have to sack him for sure!”

No, this article isn’t about me, though like you even I could do with some cheerleaders cheering me once in a way. As I watch the cheerleaders at the IPL matches I remember an article that appeared in one of our national dailies, and as I read on, tears came to my eyes. The author talked about the New York marathon which is a forty-five kilometer race, and which ends at the Central Park in Manhattan.

He called me the other day, “Bob,” he whispered, “my blood pressure gone up, I feel my head’s going to burst. I listened and advised him as best as I could. He was a successful businessman, but I had met him years ago before he got into business, what had shocked me was the anger he carried within. “I’ll show my relatives when I make money,” he said, “I’ll show my friends who I really am! I’ll show the world, not to make fun of me!”

And he did. But the anger, resentment and bitterness ate him up even more.