Mr. Vishal Jolly, National Executive Member BJP & Former State President BJP – A &N Islands has deeply mourned the sad demise of Shri. Michael Yok Chief Captain (Katchal Island) died today at 07:30 AM after prolonged illness. In his message Shri Jolly prayed to the Almighty to give peace to his eternal soul departed for heavenly abode and give strength to his bereaved family member to bear this irreparable loss.

ANTCC President Shri. Rangalal Halder, Chairman- Campaign Committee ANTCC Shri. G. Bhasker along with the Congress Party have mournd the sudden demise of Gurupada Baroi, R/o Kadamtala on 15th November 2022 at 12 AM Midnight.

On the occasion of Children's Day, the 14th November, I extend my warm and affectionate wishes to the children of A&N Islands.

Children are like buds in a garden who should be nurtured with love and care as they are the future of the Nation. Children's Day symbolizes the innocence, love and purity that children bring to this world. They possess immense potential to contribute to the society and humanity. All teachers, parents and the society have the exalted duty to facilitate them towards their all-round development in tune with their interest and aptitude so that their talents and energies can be channelized towards building of a New India.

Port Blair, Nov. 13: Shri Vishal Jolly National Executive Member BJP & Former State President BJP-ANI, who was on a 03 day’s tour to Nicobar District from 11th to 13th November 2022, held a meeting with Tribal Council, Headman of all the 15 villages, ladies representative of the villages and other tribal leaders of Car Nicobar in the Tribal Council Office, Car Nicobar on 12th November 2022.

On the occasion of Children's Day I extend my warm greetings to all children of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Children’s Day commemorates the birth anniversary of Former Prime Minister of India, Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru and the day is of great importance for giving love, attention and affection to the children.