Port Blair, July 4: The newly enacted laws commenced on 1st July 2024, marking a significant milestone in the legal framework of our Nation. To ensure its effective implementation, the South Andaman District Police conducted comprehensive awareness campaign from 1st to 3rd July, 2024, aimed at different segments of society. This initiative underscores the district police commitment to fostering an informed and engaged community.

Port Blair, July 4: An awareness programme focusing on the theme, ‘Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques’ (PCPNDT) Act and the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act were organized by ICDS Urban Project, Attampahad today. Dr. Saurabh and Smti Sadhana, Public Health Nurse from District Hospital Garacharma, CDPO of ICDS Urban Project, ICDS functionaries, POSHAN Staff and HEW Staff attended the programme.

Car Nicobar, July 4: ‘Sampoornata Abhiyan’ under Aspirational Block Programme was inaugurated by the District Administration, Nicobars today at Priyadarshini Hall, Tamaloo Village, Car Nicobar.

The programme began with lighting of the lamp and inaugural speech by the Assistant Commissioner (HQ), Car Nicobar, during which, he elaborated on various aspects of indicators in accordance with the concerned Departments in Car Nicobar Blocks. He also emphasized on the need to achieve 100 % saturation at the earliest. Further, 3 more Indicators were added to the concerned to Departments and a timeline was assigned to complete the saturation level within 3 months.

Port Blair, July 4: As part of the celebration of 75th Van Mahotsava-2024, a plantation programme was organized by DCF, Working Plan Division, Haddo under the Department of Environment & Forests Health and Wellness Center, Haddo today. Planting of fruit bearing/avenue plant species were carried out inside the premises of the Center. Shri Birendra Choudhary, IFS, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Dr. Helen, Medical Officer, In-charge Health and Wellness Center, Haddo, Internship Doctors, Paramedical Staff, Front-line-staff of DCF (WP) Office and others planted saplings inside the vicinity of Health and Wellness Center, Haddo.

Rangat, July 4: In a swift and efficient operation carried out on 03/07/2024, the Rangat Police successfully confiscated a significant quantity of illicit liquor inside the dense forest of Shyamkund and Urmilapur.

Acting promptly on a tip, SI Madhab Halder, SHO, PS Rangat formed a specialized team consisting of PC K. Sameer and Cts William Barla and Subol Bepari.  The proactive team successfully seized a significant quantity of 300 liters of Lehan, along various utensils, and timber materials used in the production process. These materials were discreetly hidden within the jungle. Subsequently, all confiscated items were promptly destroyed, dealing a major blow to the illegal liquor manufacturing network.