Port Blair, Oct. 16: Two COVID positive cases have been detected today in A&N Islands from incoming flight passengers who arrived here yesterday. Today, 13 flights with 1842 passengers arrived, out of which, 1652 passengers were vaccinated with both doses while RT-PCR test was conducted on 148 passengers and the reports are awaited.  

Port Blair, Oct. 14: The Hon’ble Special Judge Shri Raja Chatterjee on 13th October 2022 convicted one accused persons namely Mithun Sikder, resident of Durgapur Village, Diglipur in a sexual assault case committed by him against a minor girl then aged 11 years.

Port Blair, Oct. 14: The prize distribution ceremony for various competitions organized as part of Hindi Pakhwada-2022 organized by the Official Language Department of A&N Administration was held at TGCE auditorium here today. The Chief Secretary, A&N Administration, Shri Keshav Chandra, IAS was the chief guest on the occasion.

Port Blair, Oct. 14: R Vineeth an island boy has created history by becoming the first mountaineer from A&N Islands. Born on 28th Sept 1997 to Shri. Ramachandran and Smti. R Pandiyan Kumari in Port Blair, Vineeth attempted to scale Mt. Deo Tibba located in Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh at a height of 6001 mtrs above sea level on 10th Oct 2022.

Port Blair, Oct. 14: The President, Nicobar Youth Association has requested the A&N Administration for a similar policy like Union Territory of Ladakh Employment (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2021 for the tribal people of Andaman & Nicobar Islands that leads to complete job reservation for all in Class III and Class IV jobs.

Rayhaan Pasha, President of Nicobar Youth Association had requested this to the Chief Secretary through an email Pasha believes that such employment reservations will catalyse rapid and significant growth of the tribal population by ensuring basic income for their families.