Port Blair, Sept. 30: As part of Road Safety measures, the revamped Children’s Traffic Park situated near Marina Park was re-opened on 30/09/2022 by 04 family members, who lost their son/husbands/brother in road accident and suffering the pain of losing their loved ones. Sr. Police officers of A&N Police including Shri. Sanjay Kumar Jain, IPS, IGP (L&O) were present during the re-opening.

Diglipur, Sept. 30: A mass awareness programme on the Women Rights and Women Empowerment was organized by N&MA District police on 30/09/2022 at Panchayat Community Hall of Kishori Nagar village with the school students of Govt. Senior Secondary School Kishori Nagar & Secondary School Parangara, PRI members, Anganwadi workers and Helpers, Auxiliary Nurse and Mid-wives from PHC, Kishori Nagar, general public and mothers of adolescence girls.

Port Blair, Sept. 30: A one-day Training-cum-Seminar for Construction Cooperative Societies of Port Blair and Ferrargunj Tehsils was organized by the Cooperative Department in collaboration with the Andaman & Nicobar State Coop Union, Teylerabad today in the auditorium of Tagore Govt. College of Education. Nearly 50 members/board of directors from various construction cooperative societies/ officers/officials of the Cooperative Department attended the training.

Port Blair, Sept. 30: Dakshata, an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India was launched on 26th September, 2022 in A&N IslandS to improve the quality of Maternal and Newborn Care during the Intra and immediate Postpartum period.

Port Blair, Sept. 30: Together with the rest of the country, the 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation will be celebrated on 2nd October, 2022 in A&N Islands too. The main function will be held at Gandhi Park at 8.15 am during which the Commissioner-cum-Secretary (RD) will pay floral tributes at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi. This will be followed by prayers ‘Vaishnav Jan to Tene Kahiye Je’ and Ramdhuns by teachers/students of Education Department. A two minutes; silence will also be observed on the occasion.