Port Blair, May 26: One more chess player from the A & N Islands attains the FIDE Arena title. SPM Tarun, a young budding chess player from Dairy Farm, Port Blair has achieved Arena Candidate Master (ACM) Title.

Port Blair, May 26: The Directorate of Health Services has issued an advisory regarding the critical issue of self-medication and its associated risks. Self-medication, the practice of obtaining and using medications without guidance of a physician and a valid prescription, poses significant dangers to individuals and communities alike. Therefore, it is need-of-the-hour to launch a massive public awareness campaign to educate general population about risks and harms of self-medication.

Port Blair, May 25: The Chief Secretary, A&N Administration, Shri Keshav Chandra, IAS, visited the Fisheries Museum-cum-Aquarium of the Department of Fisheries today. He was accompanied by Commissioner -cum- Secretary, A&N Administration, Smt. Nandini Paliwal, IAS and Secretary (Fisheries), Shri Vishwendra. 

Port Blair, May 26: The Hindu Rashtra Shakti (HRS) has called upon the Lt. Governor, A&N Islands to initiate steps to charter private airlines for the benefit of the islanders.

In a letter to the Lt. Governor, Shri Rakeshwar Lall, State President, HRS brought to his notice the current exorbitant fare price for travel between Port Blair and Mainland, which is exceeding Rs. 39,000 across all airlines.

Port Blair, May 25: A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of the Returning Officer, ANIPC, Shri Arjun Sharma, IAS in the conference hall of the District Office South Andaman to review the arrangements made for the Counting of votes on June 4 for the Elections held for the ANIPC on April, 19, 2024.

Initiating the meeting, the RO, at the outset, urged the participants to ensure smooth conduct of Counting at the JNRM Counting Centre, earmarked for Counting of Votes for the A & N Islands Parliamentary Constituency on June 4, 2024. He directed the officials to complete all the required arrangements at the Counting Centre well in advance to enable the RO’s Office to start the Counting Process in time under the supervision/presence of the General Observer appointed for the purpose.